【影片片名】:年輕母親 2 (19禁電影) [中文字幕]
【影片又名】:Young Mother 2 (2014)
【上映日期】::上映日期: 2014-05-29(韓國)
【影片大小】:1.50 GB
【影片格式】:AVI (D9→轉制AVI)
【語種發音】:韓語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片內容】:時裝.成人.劇情.喜劇.幽趣.情色.偷情.性幻.偷窺.情慾.沐浴. 等.
永吉爾是研究生班,並一直在找工作。更糟糕的是,他沒有與任何女性的經驗呢,所以他一直在尋找的東西,在他的夢想,但醒來後什仇 沒有。後來有一天,有他的生活發生了變化,他把他的手在潘多拉的盒子,得到了一份工作,雖然它不是一個普通的位置。他睡覺的時候女上位的採訪過程中,即使 是他也不怎麼Q像中的那樣。後來有一天,他參觀珠妍的家,並滿足了她美麗的母親。他能保持自己不被這個女人誘惑了嗎?
The Box of Pandora has opened from a first critical seduction experience!
Yeong-gil is in graduate class and is stressed about getting a job. To make things worse, he’s not had any experience with women yet, so he’s always searching for something in his dreams but wakes up to nothing. Then one day, there is a change in his life, he puts his hand in The Box of Pandora and gets a job although it wasn’t a regular position. He sleeps with his female superior during the interview even though it’s not how he imagined it. Then one day, he visits Joo-yeon’s home and meets her beautiful mother. Can he keep himself from being seduced by this woman?
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