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Monk Tang Cho II Snake Goblin (2003)
Country: Hong Kong
Released Date: 2003
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Adult | Drama
Director : Yan Kit
Cast: Bessie Chan (Ming Kwan) || Wong Yung || Chow Ka Yu
Sex Monk Tang Cho meets the Spider Goblin in the Ming Dynasty and gets his “lotus candle” stolen. The goblin opens the candle accidentally and travels in time to the Evil Forest in the Tong Dynasty. Wizards Yip Hoi and Yet Nim were there to hunt the evil king. They met Tang and two Snake Goblins, Ching and Pai. Monk Tan Cho finally gets back his candle and resumes his power. He uses his Great Seven Sex Kit to kill the Evil King and the Spider Goblin. And at the finale, he has a unique sex combat with the Evil Queen!
明代「性」人燈草和尚巧遇蜘蛛精珠兒(朱野純子飾),被騙去法器”蓮花燭”,珠兒誤開法器,墮進時光洪流,被困於唐朝的”鬼哭森林”。妖對與妖姬荒淫 無道,此時孽海法師與徒弟共赴滅妖,遇上燈草和尚及青(陳明君飾)、白(黃榕飾)雙蛇。燈草和尚幾經艱辛,取回”蓮花燭”,重得神通,使出「素女經」七損 大法殺滅妖尊與珠兒,此時妖姬向燈草偷襲,燈草重使七損大法,並與妖姬進行一場別開生面的生死造愛大決戰……

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