最新电影 發表於 2023-6-19 20:11:20


Naked Weapon UNCUT
AKA:………………. Chek law dak gung
Year:……………… 2002
Directed:………….. Siu-Tung Ching
Genre:…………….. Action,Drama,Romance,Thriller
Runtime:…………… 1h 31mn
Country:…………… Hong Kong
Cast:   Maggie Q  ||  Anya  ||  Daniel Wu Yin-Cho  ||  Jewel Lee  ||  Cheng Pei Pei  ||  Almen Wong Pui-Ha  ||  Andrew Lin Hoi
Like a contagious virus, pretty and athletic girls in their teens start disappearing around the globe one after another. The mastermind behind these abductions is Madame M. (Almen Wong), who plans to train these girls into professional killers…
Overview: Like a contagious virus, pretty and athletic girls in their teens start disappearing around the globe one after another. The mastermind behind these abductions is Madame M. (Almen Wong), who plans to train these girls into professional killers. After several years of gruesome training, only Charlene (Maggie Q), Katt (Anya), and Jill (Jewel Lee) survive and become the world’s most sought-after professional killers. On a recent mission to assassinate someone in Hong Kong, however, Charlene is shocked to see her long-lost mother and as a result she comes face to face with CIA agent Jack (Daniel Wu), who vows to help her reclaim her past by eliminating Madame M.
【影片又名】:Naked Weapon
【影片尺度】:三级[ Category III ]
◎简  介
世 界各地发生多宗少女失踪个案,幕后策划是Madame M ,她专门诱拐并训练貌美少女,令她们成为防不胜防的床上杀手。一众女孩被软禁在荒岛上进行地狱式的特训,钻研各类型的战斗知识及暗杀技巧。活泼开朗的 Charlene坚强沉郁的Katt先后抵达荒岛,二人在艰苦的考验中互相扶持。Madame M采用汰弱留强制度,如趁女孩们熟睡期间,突然下令每人必须杀死一个同伴,其中Charlene、Katt及另一女子Jing表现出色。Charlene 及Katt首次执行任务时,由Charlene负责色诱目标,然后以戴在手上的钻戒割破对方喉咙。可惜逃走时却失手被擒,Charlene几乎死于枪下, 幸好Katt于千钧一发之间救回拍档。CIA专案小组指挥Jack一直致力捣破Madame M的杀人集团。在香港举行的一场龙舟竞渡中,Jack保护的要人竟是Charlene的目标。正要下手之际,Charlene竟重遇失散多年的母亲 Faye。Jack穷追不舍,却给Charlene逃脱。Jack认定她会再度出现,于是日夜守在Faye身边等侯机会。同时,Madame M拉拢日本赤军的龙三郎,合作更大规模的非法勾当。龙三郎觊觎Charlene的美色,竟在酒中下了强烈**以图**对方。Charlene在迷糊之下向 Jack求助,更因药力影响而向他投怀送抱,令他惊喜交集。Jack极力自制而决定不会乘人之危,更悉心照料她,这对兵贼渐渐互生情愫……
这 部影片整体看来还是一部非常具有娱乐因素的港产片,虽然其存在许多不尽如人意的地方,但在某些视听元素上还是有点意思的。比如音乐和音效的使用非常到位, 营造了很好的气氛;比如女特工的故事电影情节中最吸引人的那一种,加之以Maggie Q的脸蛋和身材作为卖点;再比如**打斗的场景,拍得还是非常炫的,而且颇有好莱坞大片中女杀手或者女盗贼的大气和惊艳,不过混血儿的脸蛋确实也具备了走 国际化路线的基本素质。当然,影片中母亲角色设置是相当具有中国意识的,除了亲情的感化以外,传统的孝女角色使得中国观众感觉颇为亲切,这就与好莱坞式的 无牵无挂或仅仅得到的只是爱情这两种结局有了明显的不同,也大大的丰富了人物的情感
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