最新电影 發表於 2023-5-6 10:41:18


Loving Girl (1999)
Country: Hong Kong
Language: Mandarin
Genre: Adult
Rating: III (Hong Kong)
Theatrical Run: 1999
Subtitles : Hard Eng/Chinese
Runtime : 100min
The story of ‘Loving Girl’ is about a young girl So Siu-siu. Siu-siu’s mom committed suicide when Siu-siu is young. Siu-siu is being taken care by her aunt (Diana PANG Dan) and her uncle (Elvis TSUI Kam-kong) who own a brothel. One day, officer Mang passes through Elvis’s brothel and he saw Siu-siu and he would like to take Siu-siu. However, Siu-siu has no interest in Mang. Instead, she falls in love with another officer’s nephew. Diana tried to break the relationship between Siu-siu and her ‘Dream Lover’ by asking him to get permission from his Dad……
蘇小小生於妓家,母落入風塵,偶然交上富家子弟,生下蘇 小小,臨終託付給妓院賈姨娘。
賈姨娘傳授眾女如何伺候男人之術,又訓練各人的酒量,並以 古怪酷刑作為體罰。
小小巧遇官家子弟阮郁,不久,阮父來函催促郁回京。一日, 小小閒遊遇窮書生鮑仁,仁懷才不遇,得小小同情,贈金助他赴京 考取功名。
錢塘觀察使孟浪多次邀約小小被婉拒,欲強暴小小,誰料失足 墮江淹死。
小小收拾細軟,赴京尋找鮑仁,但鮑早把小小恩義忘卻,小小 在貧病交加中死於京城,阮郁聞之已遲。
每當鮑仁和妻交歡,小小冤魂便來打擾,嚇得鮑仁夫妻心膽俱 寒….
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